Love is all you need…

Sometimes all you need is that one external person to believe in you. Someone not yet close enough to know all your baggage or trauma, but someone who just knows.

Maybe, being ever the optimist, I am a fool for thinking the worst yet believing the best, but the world needs people like us.

Because we care.

We may have wounds, but we care.

We just need a little extra to nudge us along, but it’s for good reason.

Even without context, sometimes it takes a person to just get to you at the right moment in the right(ish) way to make it click.

When you ask the universe for a sign and you get it, you listen.

You embrace it.

You respect it.

Maybe there is a missing gap, but with time, it will sync?

Some would say too much optimism isn’t always a good thing…. but honestly, isn’t it better to live half full than always half empty?

Step One: Believe in yourself the way you believe in your mates!

You can be so much more if you fully believe! Never say you can’t do it, just say ‘I haven’t done it yet.’

There is nothing you can’t do. You may not have done it yet - we don’t know if you can do it or not until you really try.

So, stop reading, get out there and go do it!


Olivia’s Secret Garden