Hello, darlings!

Well, hello darlings!

I know it’s been far too long since the last blog update… seven months, actually. The plan was to update the blog at least once a month but honestly, I thought ‘who actually wants to read what I am thinking/doing/whatever’. Then I remembered frankly it doesn’t matter if anybody reads it, because the purpose of it is for me to just have a place to put my thoughts. So here we are.

If you follow along on my social media (specifically the ‘gram) then you know I’m pretty active around there. Very chatty, sometimes too chatty; other times, probably not chatty enough. I find social media to be daunting. Every time you get a grip on the rules, they change! I think I’ve found a good enough balance though, and – just like most things in life – I will continue to learn and grow as the platform itself morphs. At least, that is the hope. So much has been going on behind the scenes and while I wish I could share that today, that isn’t what this particular post is about - you’ll have to come back for those updates…

But regarding blog content… well, most of it is just going to be me chatting. I realised once I created it that I have absolutely no idea what to properly blog about. I’m not a professional; I’m not a coach, I don’t really have any advice (writing or life, hah) to give… I haven’t the foggiest as to what I am talking about half the time. I am just simply figuring it all out as I go, one step at a time. Breaking out of my comfort zone one post at a time – and, as of yesterday, one podcast at a time! I had an amazing opportunity to speak with the utterly brilliant Mae Wagner ( @rainydayinmay) You can check out her wonderful website here.

Actually, pause. Going back to advice when it comes to writing, I think that’s probably my biggest piece! To take your writing journey one step at a time. One day at a time. I know that’s probably the advice for recovery programs, but it is highly applicable to your writing too. My projects, yes there are more than one, have taken shape over time. This particular one started from a roleplay with a friend, morphed into a co-writing project that ended amicably, and ultimately became this beautiful piece of magic that I hold in my hands. No really, I have a hard copy of my query edition sitting on my sideboard to remind me of the hard work that has gone into this.

If you’re here, it’s probably because you know me personally, or you’ve been following me for a while. Either way, THANK YOU for your continued support as I have taken this idea to the next level. You also know that I’ve been roleplaying for years with friends, and the world that I’ve created has taken many different forms; it’s moved entire genres, included real life people, bent the rules of some of those canon worlds (oh noooo – just kidding, you’ll have to get over it), and ultimately, led me to where we are. If it wasn’t for the countless hours spent daydreaming, roleplaying, and ultimately embracing my wild imagination, I wouldn’t be hundreds of thousands of words deep into this current story. And I certainly wouldn’t be excited to share that work with the world…

Writing in any form is not easy. For some, it comes quite naturally, while others have to spend more time ‘honing’ the craft, but that doesn’t mean anybody really knows more than someone else. Even some of the professionals. I mean, if anything, we’re all hot messes just out here trying to figure it out one character at a time (see what I did there? Ah, writing puns are probably not my forte, but you’ll see them pop up occasionally, I can’t help myself). So, to anyone out there struggling, or scared to start, the best unsolicited advice I can give you is to just start, and then keep going. One day at a time. One pen stroke, one key stroke, one page at a time. Respect your body and your mind, you do not have to write every single day to make that day count. What matters is that you love your process, and your process works for you.

That said, I really do plan on writing more blog posts. At the very least, once a month. Maybe I can tell you a little about some of the characters in my series, or some of the secret tid-bits many of you have asked me for… I’m not quite ready for a newsletter, but when I am, I do hope you’ll sign up for it because that will give you some exclusive access.

Let me know what you want to see! Let me know what you want to hear about! I am all ears, lovelies! My inbox is always open.

Until next time… 



P.S. here is the link to the podcast interview, should you be so inclined 😉 let me know what you think.



